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Whats the problem?


The problem is the use of "drones" the media likes to call it. The term drone brings negative attention to the everyday RC hobbyists who are just wanting to experience first person view in his/her equipment. There is a big problem with invading personal privacy. We need to be a responsible community and not use our equipment to record or view one's privacy without permission.



The term "FPV" simply means first person view. As a RC hobbyists the new growing interest in the RC world is attaching cameras on ones aircraft and on ground RC vehicles and have video display transmitted back to you to see what the RC vehicle is viewing as you are controlling it.



Hello everyone, my name is Richard Ellis. I am a RC hobbyist and enjoy a little FPV from now and then. My first attraction in the hobby was seeing it used first hand by the use of the UAV's used in Afghanistan during my deployment. The growing technology and asset to the military has helped provide troops with acurate information and helped saved my life and my comrades. I am now at home and want to experience what it is like to control my own FPV aircraft and so that is how my passion for the hobby started. As you all know, the media shows the use of UAV's to be equipped with weapons that harm and kill terrorists overseas which is true. However, the use of our hobby is totally different and does not involve harming anyone. As long as we don't evade privacy with this hobby we all can enjoy the first person view hobby. 



My goal is establish the biggest growing community to support our FPV recreation when time comes to fight back unwanted laws that could ban our hobby forever!





I do not take responsibility for anyone's actions or suggest anyone to operate RC equipment with FPV capabilities. Always check your local and foreign laws in relation to this recreation and your actions! Many countries laws may be different.


Richard Ellis, Community Founder


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